Tags: ConxFlow

Take a peek at our ConxFlow Case Studies

From Case Management and Lifecycle Management, Content Management and Pension Administration, our case studies tell our stories of success.

In one case, SynApps delivered its purpose-built ConXFlow integration capability, to create a comprehensive case management solution for the insurance provider. Building on top of the firm’s existing Alfresco content management platform, this provides an integrated process workflow to automate and streamline policy-related processes using the documents and information captured in Alfresco. Now, teams can process caseloads more efficiently and effectively, meeting target response times while providing transparent, audit-friendly management information and performance metrics.

Check out more here.

SynApps + Hyland – Helping Case Management Flow – watch our video

All case handling teams understand the frustration of having to keep track of multiple requests. They also need to report on case history and compliance, drawing on information from multiple different systems.

In partnership with Hyland, SynApps Solutions has solved these issues for users of the Alfresco enterprise content management platform with ConxFlow, an all in one case management solution.

Watch our video here and find out more.

End-to-end case management & traceability via your existing Hyland/Alfresco enterprise content management platform

What’s the problem?

All case-handling teams understand the stress and frustration of having to keep track of
multiple requests. They also need to report on case histories and compliance – drawing
on information from multiple, different systems.

Case traceability is especially important where organisations need to follow strict
processes – to meet service-level agreements (SLAs) or regulatory targets, for example.

This applies in a wide range of contexts – from finance, pensions and insurance, to health
and social care, to construction/supply chain management, not to mention the whole
discipline of human resources.

As well as causing frustration for the teams involved, poor case visibility can impede the
customer experience – leading to complaints. It can even result in regulatory fines.

A lack of management information, meanwhile, limits the ability to address process
bottlenecks and improve outcomes.

As an authorised Hyland partner, SynApps Solutions has solved these issues for users of
the Alfresco Enterprise content management platform.

Find out how here.

Introducing ConxFlow – end-to-end Case Management

Whether your industry is financial services, healthcare, manufacturing or construction, if you have teams processing and trying to manage high volumes of customer queries, you’ll know the pain of trying to do this when details and documents are distributed across multiple systems and platforms.

ConxFlow from SynApps Solutions provides complete, easily configurable, end-to-end case management, traceability and reporting using your existing Alfresco enterprise content management platform – streamlining case handling and increasing end-to-end process visibility via a single user interface.

Take a closer look at ConxFlow today.