
conxflowWhether your industry is financial services, healthcare, manufacturing or construction, if you have teams processing and trying to manage high volumes of customer queries, you’ll know the pain of trying to do this when details and documents are distributed across multiple systems and platforms.

Introducing ConxFlow

ConxFlow from SynApps Solutions provides complete, easily configurable, end-to-end case management, traceability and reporting using your existing Alfresco enterprise content management platform – streamlining case handling and increasing end-to-end process visibility via a single user interface.


As well as saving the expense and upheaval of investing in a dedicated case management platform, this boosts the return on your existing content management/content services investment.

That’s because all case management workflows and linked content can now be managed via your Hyland/Alfresco platform. Irrespective of whether this is deployed on your own premises, or via the cloud.

Take a closer look at ConxFlow today.


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