
Combining multiple information silos to improve accessibility


We deployed a VNA and Documentum ECM platform to provide a central archive for many disparate sources of existing unstructured information including Dicom Images (Radiology and Cardiology) and Non-Dicom content, including scanner paper documents, such as CAS Cards. We integrated our VNA Patient Viewer zero footprint web client with the hospital’s existing Cerner Electronic Patient Records (EPR)  so that clinicians across the organisation could access Patient Record content in the VNA platform. We then migrated all Radiology and Cardiology Patient Dicom Images and existing legacy Windip documents into the platform.

Project Success

The scope included the migration of 100TB+ of Dicom image Data and 10TB of scanned Windip documents. The system has been made available to over 2,500 clinicians in the trust.

Benefits include:

  • The zero-footprint viewer, integrated with the Cerner EPR, allows a clinician to view all Radiology, Cardiology and associated scanned patient documents within a timeline view from a single, easy-to-use web application.
  • This removes the need to access multiple separate applications/information silos.
  • We established a streamlined scanning solution for the capture of patient record paper documentation to simplify information capture and reduce the size of the paper archive.
  • We decommissioned historical legacy systems, including Windip, to realise operational cost savings and simplify ongoing system administration.

Enabling better patient outcomes with Aptvision RIS deployed by SynApps


SynApps provided the Trust with a secure, cloud-based Unified Health Information System from Aptvision. This browser-based solution provides Radiology teams with centralised oversight of the entire workload across the customers different sites. In so doing, it improves vetting and prioritisation of patients referred and reduces turnaround times for priority scanning and reporting. The system has been integrated with all the Trust’s modalities and a new set of workflows configured providing electronic scheduling and vetting using SynApps’ modern, flexible browser-based solution. It has been deployed across the trusts three main sites where the Radiology department is based. All existing Radiology data including the legacy reports were migrated to the new platform.

Project Success

The SynApps-Aptvision solution, which is 100% web based, allows the Trust’s radiology services to be coordinated digitally from anywhere as part of a ‘paperless NHS’. Ultimately the digitisation of the referral and vetting process enables better patient outcomes, improves resource use, and reduces missed appointments, which are thought to account for up to 10 per cent of appointments across public hospitals.

The Trust is currently deploying a second phase covering access for referring doctors using the platforms Referral Web Portal. This will speed up the referral process further and provide doctors with additional access and controls over the appointments they make and faster access to the finalised report.

A streamlined workflow solution to assist with the reading of Lung CT images


SynApps deployed the Mevis Veolity application and its enterprise reporting database at the Trust and configured the solution to work alongside the Trust’s existing PACS solution, using the provided out-of-the-box DICOM integration. The company also configured the reporting database to capture the clinical data for each patient Lung CT. Finally, SynApps trained the Trust’s Radiologists in using the Veolity application as part of their reporting activities.

The project team was comprised of individuals from both SynApps Solutions and the customer including:

    • Customer Stakeholders
    • Project Manager
    • Veolity Implementation Consultant
    • Infrastructure Team Members

All the implementation work was conducted offsite. SynApps established regular catch-up meetings to identify progress, next steps and any blocking issues. Support was provided during the clinical testing phase to ensure adequate training and discuss any issues identified.

Project Success

SynApps provided the Mevis Veolity Lung Screening solution in conjunction with its enterprise reporting database platform. Veolity combines lung CAD of solid, non-solid and partially solid pulmonary nodules, with the integration and automatic registration of prior studies, thus efficiently creating clear reports within an improved workflow. It also deployed its enterprise reporting database to capture all clinical data produced by Veolity, so the trust was able to quickly and efficiently provide national reporting data to NHS England.