Client Type:
The customer had numerous information silos, which did not allow clinicians to view unstructured patient information from a single viewpoint. These silos covered Radiology, Cardiology and various non-Dicom scanned paper documents, as well as other standalone archives, including Windip. The customer needed a single long-term archive that could cater for these datasets and in so doing improve information accessibility through the deployment of a common patient record viewing application.
We deployed a VNA and Documentum ECM platform to provide a central archive for many disparate sources of existing unstructured information including Dicom Images (Radiology and Cardiology) and Non-Dicom content, including scanner paper documents, such as CAS Cards. We integrated our VNA Patient Viewer zero footprint web client with the hospital’s existing Cerner Electronic Patient Records (EPR) so that clinicians across the organisation could access Patient Record content in the VNA platform. We then migrated all Radiology and Cardiology Patient Dicom Images and existing legacy Windip documents into the platform.
Project Success
The scope included the migration of 100TB+ of Dicom image Data and 10TB of scanned Windip documents. The system has been made available to over 2,500 clinicians in the trust.
Benefits include:
- The zero-footprint viewer, integrated with the Cerner EPR, allows a clinician to view all Radiology, Cardiology and associated scanned patient documents within a timeline view from a single, easy-to-use web application.
- This removes the need to access multiple separate applications/information silos.
- We established a streamlined scanning solution for the capture of patient record paper documentation to simplify information capture and reduce the size of the paper archive.
- We decommissioned historical legacy systems, including Windip, to realise operational cost savings and simplify ongoing system administration.
The SynApps Difference
We offer an Open Vendor Neutral Archive (VNA) platform with Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) and a zero-footprint patient viewer, providing an archive that supports their various PACS systems and associated supporting migration tools. We also have the experience to migrate a number of Dicom and Non-Dicom legacy datasets into the platform. In addition, as our VNA platform incorporates an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system, we were able to provide a scanning solution for the ongoing capture of scanned documents. This allowed legacy archives to be decommissioned, providing the trust with cost savings while improving clinician information accessibility.