SynApps in Financial Services

At SynApps we have decades of experience helping financial services companies transform their internal processes and customer service delivery through smarter data and content management. Customer needs are changing at pace, presenting everyday challenges to financial services companies and their IT systems.

  • Improving customer touch points
  • Increasing demand on IT systems to handle large data volumes
  • Changing regulations
  • Cybersecurity threats
  • Growing need for advanced data analytics reliance

In response to these challenges, we developed a platform focusing on the myriad processes that are candidates for automation such as claims, automated financial advice, diarising events, death events, BAU processes and automated quality assurance/audits. These processes cause huge frustration for case management teams not being able to clearly track progress which in turn impedes the customer experience, leading to dissatisfaction and complaints and in some cases, regulatory fines.

ConXFlow™ –  is a cloud-ready, low code solution that sits on top of your content management system and can be easily configured to fit each company’s case management need.

ConXFlow allows users to see at a glance which cases are overdue, and where particular issues may be clustering – and generate instant reports, on demand. This empowers them to target interventions – for example reallocate staff – in a timely manner. So that they’re continuously improving the experience – for case handlers AND for customers.

Discover how SynApps could transform your organisation’s case management.  See ConXFlow in action in our latest video here, based on a Hyland/Alfresco integration example.

SynApps is a member of the Financial Services Qualification System (FSQS). FSQS is a single standard accreditation tool which provides a simple mechanism for collecting and managing supplier assurance information across the Financial Services sector. The system is supported by leading financial organisations within the sector, including Nationwide, Lloyds Banking and The Bank of England, and requires suppliers to be reviewed against FSQS requirements in key areas including health and safety, fraud, business continuity financial insurance and much more. Read more here.